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FRIDAY FAVES // This Week’s Good Stuff 08.06.12

Beach pebbles

It’s been a bit of a short week, really, hasn’t it? What with a double Jubilee Bank holiday it feels like I’ve lost a few days somewhere.  It’s involved a lot of editing but I did manage to squeeze in a visit to a friend and her adorable little baby girl who has the best “why are you sticking that camera in my face” look I’ve ever seen (photos soon).   The weekend brought a sunny marquee wedding with Lisa Devlin and then  my “out-laws”  came down to visit for the Jubilee festivities.  Throw in lots of south east asian food (pho FTW!) and that pretty much sums up my week.  Things that have amused, informed or bewildered are, in no particular order….


Okay, I don’t care how steeley-hearted you are. How can this proposal not put a smile on your face? The best thing about it all is her reaction, it had me in bits!

I’m totally loving the resurgence of the bow tie at weddings.  In fact, who could ever not like a person wearing one? Really.   Hello In There are a UK company who specialise in bow ties. Go check them out, grooms-to-be.

Even I was found on Westminister Bridge waving a plasticky Union Jack as the Royal Flotilla sailed past on Sunday. (Do I have any photos of the Queen? Nope. I have lots of photos of the back of some strangers’ heads.  The crowds were pretty mega – I’m not particularly short but I could have done with a few extra inches!).  There’s been a lot of tat floating about – teapots and other kitchenalia being the worst offenders – but I did rather like this tea towel designed by Maria Holmer Dahlgren.  A bit Saul Bass, no?  I also loved this understated Vivienne Westwood Jubilee Scarf.

Tuesday night brought Grayson Perry in televisual form.  He explores issues of Class identity, culture and taste without ever being patronising or dull.  Even though it wasn’t as in-depth as it deserved to be, In The Best Possible Taste is really fascinating and it’s definitely recommended viewing.    Episodes 2 and 3 are still to air (Tuesday nights, C4) and Episode 1 is still catch-uppable on the old 4oD.

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